How to include a Gradle dependency in Android Studio

Step 1: Open Your Project in Android Studio

To start, open your project in Android Studio. Once the editor has loaded your project files, you should see a hierarchical view of your project structure in the left sidebar. Find the `build.gradle` file and double-click it to open it.

Step 2: Add the Dependency

In the `build.gradle` file, look for the `dependencies` block. This is where you will specify which dependencies your app requires. To add a new dependency, simply add a new line to the list and specify the name of the library, its version, and the scope. Here’s an example:

implementation ‘com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0’

This dependency adds Retrofit 2.9.0 to your project. The `implementation` scope is used for compile-time dependencies, meaning they will be included in the APK file when you build and run your app.

Step 3: Sync Your Project

After adding the new dependency, make sure to sync your project by clicking on the “Sync Now” button at the top of the editor. This will download any missing dependencies and update your project files accordingly. If there are any errors or warnings during the sync process, take a look at the error message to see what went wrong.

Step 4: Add the Dependency to Your Build.gradle File

Now that you have added the dependency to your `build.gradle` file and synced your project, you need to add it to your app-level `build.gradle` file as well. To do this, simply copy the line from the `dependencies` block of your app-level `build.gradle` file and paste it into the corresponding block in your project-level `build.gradle` file.

Step 5: Use the Dependency in Your Code

With the new dependency added to your project, you can now use it in your code. For example, if you are using Retrofit 2.9.0, you can create a new interface and annotate it with `@interface`:

import retrofit2.Call;

import retrofit2.http.GET;
public interface MyApi {

Call getEndpoint();

    Call getEndpoint();

This interface defines a new endpoint that can be called from your app using Retrofit. You can then create an instance of `Retrofit.Builder` and add the new dependency to it:

import retrofit2.Retrofit;

import retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory;

public class MyApp {
private static final String BASE_URL “”;
public static void main(String[] args) {

Retrofit retrofit new Retrofit.Builder()




MyApi myApi retrofit.create(MyApi.class);
