OpenCV is an open-source computer vision library that provides developers with a wide range of tools for processing images and videos. It supports various programming languages, including Java, making it easy for Android Studio developers to implement it in their applications.
Before you start implementing OpenCV in Android Studio, make sure you have the following prerequisites:
- A computer with Java Development Kit (JDK) installed
- Android Studio installed
- The OpenCV library downloaded from the official website (
Setting up the Environment
To set up the environment for implementing OpenCV in Android Studio, follow these steps:
- Download and install JDK from the official website (
- Install Android Studio by following the installation guide available on the official website (
- Download and extract the OpenCV library files to a directory on your computer.
- Add the OpenCV library JAR files to your project’s build path in Android Studio by right-clicking on the "app" folder in the Project Explorer, selecting "Open Module Settings", and then adding the JAR files to the "libs" directory.
- In your AndroidManifest.xml file, add the following lines of code:
This will give the application permission to read files from the external storage and access the camera, and it will load the OpenCV library in the Android device.
6. In your file, add the following line of code:
This will set the native image processing function to color detection.
7. In your file, add the following lines of code to load the Haar Cascade classifier for face detection:
8. In your file, add the following lines of code to detect faces in an image and display them on the screen:
Mat frame = Imread("path/to/image.jpg");
Rect[] faces = new Rect[1];
Core.detectMultiScale(frame, faces, 0.1, Core.SCALE_IMAGE, Core.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE, null);
for (int i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
Imshow("Face Detection", frame);
rectangle(frame, faces[i],, 2);
This will load the Haar Cascade classifier for face detection and apply it to an image. The classifier will detect all faces in the image and draw a rectangle around each one.
9. Run your application on an Android device or emulator, select an image from the gallery, and see if the faces are detected and displayed on the screen.
Installing OpenCV Library
To install the OpenCV library in Android Studio, follow these steps:
- Download the OpenCV library files from the official website (
- Extract the OpenCV library files to a directory on your computer.
- Add the OpenCV library JAR files to your project’s build path in Android Studio by right-clicking on the "app" folder in the Project Explorer, selecting "Open Module Settings", and then adding the JAR files to the "libs" directory.
- In your AndroidManifest.xml file, add the following line of code:
This will load the OpenCV library in the Android device.
5. In your file, add the following line of code to set the native image processing function to color detection:
6. In your file, add the following lines of code to load the Haar Cascade classifier for face detection:
7. In your file, add the following lines of code to detect faces in an image and display them on the screen:
Mat frame = Imread("path/to/image.jpg");
Rect[] faces = new Rect[1];
Core.detectMultiScale(frame, faces, 0.1, Core.SCALE_IMAGE, Core.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE, null);
for (int i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
Imshow("Face Detection", frame);
rectangle(frame, faces[i],, 2);
8. Run your application on an Android device or emulator, select an image from the gallery, and see if the faces are detected and displayed on the screen.
Using OpenCV Library in Android Studio
To use the OpenCV library in Android Studio, follow these steps:
- Download