How to develop a splash screen in Android Studio


Splash screens are an essential part of any Android app. They not only add a professional touch to the user interface but also help to keep the user engaged while they wait for the app to load.

What are Splash Screens?

A splash screen is a visual element that appears when an app starts loading. It is usually a static image or animation that lasts for a few seconds, giving the user the impression that something is happening behind the scenes.

Why are Splash Screens Important?

Splash screens are important because they can help to create a positive first impression on the user. A splash screen can make the app appear more professional and polished, giving the user the feeling that the developers have put in a lot of effort into creating the app. Additionally, a splash screen can also help to keep the user engaged while they wait for the app to load, reducing the likelihood of them getting frustrated and abandoning the app altogether.

How to Develop Splash Screens in Android Studio

Now that we have covered the basics of splash screens let’s move on to how to develop one in Android Studio.

Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio

The first step is to create a new project in Android Studio. To do this, open Android Studio and click on “Start a new Android Studio project.” Fill in the necessary details, such as the application name, company domain, package name, save location, language, minimum SDK version, and target device screen size.

Step 2: Add Splash Screen Assets

The next step is to add splash screen assets to the project. These assets can include images or animations that will be displayed on the splash screen.

Step 3: Create Splash Screen Activity

To create a splash screen activity, right-click in the “src/main” folder of your project and select “New > Java Class.” From there, you can give the class a name, such as “SplashScreenActivity,” and choose the appropriate template.

Step 4: Design Splash Screen Layout

The next step is to design the layout of the splash screen. This can be done by opening the activity_splash_screen.xml file in the “res/layout” folder of your project.

Step 5: Write Splash Screen Code

Once the design for the splash screen is complete, it’s time to write the code. To do this, open the file in the “src/main” folder of your project.

Step 6: Add Splash Screen Animation

To add an animation to the splash screen, you can use the following code in the onCreate() method of the file:

new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Code to start the main activity after the splash screen has finished loading
Intent intent = new Intent(SplashScreenActivity.this, MainActivity.class);
}, 2000);

Step 6: Add Splash Screen Animation

Step 7: Test and Debug Splash Screen

Once the splash screen is complete, it’s important to test and debug it thoroughly. To do this, run the app on an emulator or a physical device, and make sure that the splash screen appears correctly and loads quickly. If there are any issues with the splash screen, you can use Android Studio’s debugging tools to identify and fix the problem.

Case Study: Developing a Splash Screen for a Music App

To illustrate how to develop a splash screen in Android Studio, let’s take a look at a case study of developing a music app. The music app will have a simple design, with a splash screen that displays an image of a musical note, and the word “Loading Music…” underneath it.

Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio

To create a new project for the music app, open Android Studio and click on “Start a new Android Studio project.” Fill in the necessary details, such as the application name, company domain, package name, save location, language, minimum SDK version, and target device screen size.

Step 2: Add Splash Screen Assets

To add the splash screen assets to the music app project, right-click in the “res” folder of the project and select “New > Android Resource.” From there, choose a drawable resource and give it a name, such as “splash_screen.png.” Next, open the “splash_screen.xml” file in the “res/layout” folder of the project and add the following code to create a new ImageView:


Step 3: Create Splash Screen Activity

To create the splash screen activity for the music app, right-click in the “src/main” folder of the project and select “New > Java Class.” From there, you can give the class a name, such as “SplashScreenActivity,” and choose the appropriate template.

Step 4: Design Splash Screen Layout

To design the layout of the splash screen, open the activity_splash_screen.xml file in the “res/layout” folder of the project.

Step 5: Write Splash Screen Code

To write the code for the splash screen activity, open the file in the “src/main” folder of your project.

Step 6: Add Splash Screen Animation

To add an animation to the splash screen, you can use the following code in the onCreate() method of the file:

new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Code to start the main activity after the splash screen has finished loading
Intent intent = new Intent(SplashScreenActivity.this, MainActivity.class);
}, 2000);

Step 7: Test and Debug Splash Screen

Once the splash screen is complete for the music app